Turquoise Silver Necklace
Turquoise/Silver Necklace
Stones : Turquoise, Azurite-Malachite and Chrysocolla
Turquoise is one of the oldest healing stones in history. For centuries it has served as a healing tool for whole civilizations. It was one of the first gemstones to ever be mined and dates back to 6000 BC in the Sinai Peninsula of Egypt. In Mexico, the Aztecs too saw something special in the Turquoise gemstone and often used it when handcrafting beautiful masks. In our more modern world, Turquoise is synonymous with Native American culture, and the Navajo and Zuni people often use it to curate beautiful amulets, talismans, pendants, rings, bracelets, and even belt buckles. Turquoise is a most efficient healer, providing solace for the spirit and well-being for the body. ] It benefits mood and emotion by inducing a sense of serenity and peace. Holding or wearing Turquoise helps restore depleted vitality and lifts sagging spirits.
Azurite-Malachite are two separate stones forced together combining their unique properties. Azurite is also known as a stone of heaven. It will give insight in all areas of your life, and will stimulate your creativity. It can enhance your intuition and get rid of blockages that are preventing you from living the life that you want. It will remove your coldness and replace it with feelings of love and compassion. Malachite's striking green color will encourage you to take action and allow change to happen. It will give you emotional healing and allow your spirit to fly free.
Chrysocolla, with associations of tranquility, peace, intuition, patience and unconditional love, is known as a healing stone among Native American cultures where it has been used to strengthen the body's resistance to illness and emotional duress. It has also been used traditionally to bring about calm feelings where there is upset and can be used to purify a place or restore balance to a person.
Crab Box
Stones contained in the Crab Box include Turquoise and Carnelian.
Turquoise is a stone that brings good luck, heals old wounds, and generally weaves more life affirming fortune into your world. Turquoise works wonders on your well-being across the board, but as a healing stone for your emotional and mental health is where it shimmers and shines the most. It’s healing energy is all about serenity and peace – just like stepping out into the cooling hues of calm waters on a hot day. For those who are feeling burnt out or like their spirit is being weighed down, this stone knows how to effectively heal those life traps, so you can shake free and step into your own space rather than trying to cram all your feelings into a box.
Carnelian has many names – The Singers Stone, The Sunset Stone, and The Artists Stone. It has a vivacious creative edge in everything it does. The warm hues of autumn are a reminder to let go of the seasons that don’t serve you, to store warmth and light within the body, and to travel forth – no matter how dim the path. Carnelian is always keen to bring out your power. The Carnelian crystal is all about gifting a glut of vitality to those who are feeling a little lost and sluggish. This bright burst of energy will get you back on your feet and feeling the drive to go forth and conquer, especially when it comes to creative projects. It isn’t called The Artist’s Stone for no reason, Carnelian invites you to write, paint, dance and sing and it does so, by stimulating warmth and heat, loosening the limbs, letting energy flow, and encouraging you to embrace your inner child and say a sweet yes to spontaneity.
Upon touch, one will immediately notice the subtle, yet soft energy that Nessa gives off. It can be described as a cooling sensation that resonates directly to one’s core. Soon, one can begin to feel a deeper connection to themselves, as Nessa's energies work towards unlocking your heart and emotional body. This unique being helps one access their crown, heart and root chakras thus creating an extremely useful channel to help ground thoughts, emotions and ideas. Through deep meditation, one is able to go to the depths of their heart and mind to expose their true inner potential. Nessa helps one look ahead towards new beginnings and opportunities, while serving as a reminder of the constant growth you’ve already experienced. This being is here to keep you comfortable on this journey, especially as you venture off to create your life path. She shall serve as an amulet of strength so you can tap into whatever your soul desires. She tends to bring all forms of self-deception to the surface to liberate them and imbibe positivity to see the life with a new perception. She brings a calming effect to the upsetting emotions by proffering the strength and tolerance for emotional tension.
Stone: Pinolith
Kelyn inspires creative visualization and is an ideal partner for overcoming writer’s or artist’s block. He is an excellent talisman for artists. He encourages initiative and is particularly helpful in business pursuits. By keeping him close he will inspire confidence, creative vision and practical application in starting a business. he is an especially good companion for traveling abroad, especially for backpacking or living in other countries. He is an ideal support for occupations in conservation and alternative forms of energy. He is a superb healer and will help with sustaining the physical and emotional bodies during injury, prolonged illness or hospitalization. His Earth energies bring gradual strength and renewed vitality, while helping one to understand and endure frustrating or painful experiences.
Stones: Picture Jasper, Pearls
Ocean Jasper Necklace
Ocean Jasper is an excellent healing stones that can help you if you need a lift. It will help to release negative feelings to aid you to feel more optimistic. It's energy stimulates the heart chakra, to encourage feelings of joy, happiness and elevated spirits! Ocean Jasper can aid you to communicate more positively and allow loving feelings to be expressed in what you say. Within the solar plexus chakra this stone can help to enhance your personal power and gain greater understanding of your own feelings. This energy works through your throat chakra to boost loving communication. Ocean Jasper aspires to relieve our stress and tension while uplifting feelings of relaxation reminding us we are safe and protected. A stone that instills happiness, Ocean Jasper inspires feelings of joy by aiding the release of negative emotions and thought patterns.
Stone: Ocean Jasper

Zoya is from the magical realm of spiritual creatures who bring gifts and support to those around them. Zoya is a spirit of joy, and has a playful, childlike vibration that helps to release anger or feelings of hurt. This can allow you to connect with your own inner child and let go of feelings of resentment, bitterness, or feelings of restriction to more fully immerse yourself in the positive aspects of life. Zoya is a protective being and will help to dispel the kind of negativity that comes from being around complainers or pessimists that may enter into your space. The black spots help to absorb the negativity and harmful vibrations from the outside environment, and can be utilized to ward off nightmares and restless sleep. Zoya's presence has the added benefit of encouraging you to see the funny side of situations, and iwll help to dispel fear and ameliorate threats.
Stones: Dalmation Stone
Takala is a grounding agent. She can help bring about an emotional, physical and intellectual balance, and aid in centering and stabilizing physical energy She has the power to harmonize yin and yang, the positive and the negative forces that hold the universe in place. A soothing and calming spirit she works slowly but brings great strength, She gently facilitates acceptance of oneself, thus building self confidence. Her love of truthfulness encourages speaking your truth. She can help to overcome negativity and bitterness of the hear, and can heal inner anger fostering love and the courage to start again. She is useful for any kind of emotional trauma; creating a sense of safety and security by dissolving internal tension. She is a powerful holistic healer, removing dualities, conflict, and maintaining well-being. She releases emotional repression and encourages artistic expression. Useful for people who are easily hurt, she will teach you to look for solutions rather than dwell on problems and will help shut off obsessive thoughts and destructive mental patterns. Giving the broader picture, she encourages you to explore unknown territory and creativity while at the same time paying appropriate attention to detail.
Stones: Agate

Wiijia is a spirit of serenity. She is associated with tranquility, peace, intuition, patience and unconditional love, and is known as a healing spirit. She can also be used to bring about calm feelings where there is turmoil and can be used to purify a place or restore balance to a person. She has the ability to bring harmony, increase wisdom and guide you toward discretion. She promotes level headedness, encouraging clarity of thought and a neutral, calm attitude during turbulence by purifying the home, environment and the mind. You can use her to decrease nervousness and irritability. She is also a good choice to wear in order to alleviate difficulty expressing feelings or creativity. Wiijia is very good at helping you to stabilize mood swings and instill inner calm. She is excellent for helping with depression and exhaustion, and can help prevent panic attacks. She will promote self-realization and assist with creative problem solving.
Stones: Chrysocolla and Turquoise

Dejene links the everyday consciousness to the spiritual, reminding us we are spiritual beings on a human journey. She will dispel illusion and help one see the beauty of the soul, and to recognize the brotherhood of humanity. She provides dignity and guidance, bringing the potential of the individual to the perfection of the source of all being. She can enhance your clarity of thought and encourage intuitive leaps. She will help you to link threads of disparate thought and schools of thought to be seen, and the connection between them illuminated. Dejene can remove the illusion of separateness, and the beliefs and conditioning imposed by others. She brings one to the source of their own inner guidance, and assists one in recognizing the truth or falsehood of others' words or actions. She promotes speaking out and exploring anything that may hinder access to one's own truth. She is an excellent ally for those who are stuck or unable to make progress, and can clear stagnant energies, habits and life patterns, and revealing new directions for one's life.
Stones: Pietersite and Lapis Lazuli
Necklace with Red Bee

Golden Agate Necklace


Teá is a change agent because of her mystical property of helping one handle change in a positive way. She is said to gently help one make transitions of any kind in a way that change is not as difficult or painful as could be without it. She can bring relief from depression and/or grief and is said to be able to help you focus on solutions instead of problems, and thereby increasing creativity, as well as increasing the power of one's intuition. She can help one to overcome addictions and other self-destructive compulsive behavior patterns, as well as dealing with repressed emotional issues. She is also a being of sensuality. Teá is a being that promotes hope and seeing the world as a place of possibilities. She can encourage artistic expression and exploration of the unknown, while still maintaining logic and focus on attention to detail that brings projects and ventures into reality. She also releases emotional repression and blocks to fertility, by lending the knowledge that sexuality is a natural function and sensuality is the body's appreciation of the fullness of life.
Stones: Botswana Agate

Tobin is an odd and wondrous creature known for his ability to create havoc, pull off pranks and generally disrupt order. He shows up at unexpected times and can stimulate out of control laughter, giggling and silliness. He's generally fairly innocent in his endeavors, but usually not very responsible or sensitive to what's appropriate under the circumstances. He is excellent at hide and seek and wil encourage frequent bouts of play and frivolity. He's basically a good guy, but don't expect him to keep you on the straight and narrow or even on time. Good when you need a little leavity in an otherwise serious world.

Siersae is associated with taking bold action with a hot and fiery spirit that stimulates the root chakra, helping circulate vital energy to your center. Whenever you're called on to perform, you will be the star of your own show by accessing the healing properties of your fiery companion guiding you in facing your fears. Gearing up for an interview or audition? Bring Siersae with you and get ready for opportunity to rock, even if you’re sweating bullets from extreme stress. She can bring out hidden talents by creating harmony between mental focus and creativity in the melding of the right and left parts of the brain. Discover your passion by finding a comfortable place to sit outside and watch the sunset; the closing of the day and the beginning of a new dawn. When you feel that jolt of inspiration, the light bulb switching on in your brain, close your eyes and sit quietly while asking yourself what would bring you joy and excitement in your life at this very moment. Whatever first thoughts come to mind, meditate on what steps you need to get there and Siersae will help focus your energy on what truly matters. Like the age-old proverb says, "May your new ideas feel like a sunrise.”
Stones: Agate and Carnelian
Necklace in Pink
Stones: Pink Agate, Coral and Pink Jasper

A creature of your dreams - Snuffalump bounces on clouds with leaps and bounds to bring joy forward to your life. She is a character full of laughter, happy emotions and pure optimism. On bad days she can make the grey go away and bring you back in touch with your true nature - aligned with the world and back in balance. She will remind you that this place is not always serious, and that great awakenings can happen when you just breathe and smile, giving yourself way to float on the wind and let go. Lighten up, and let yourself feel refreshed and alive.
Jewels of the Sea Leaded Glass Box

Such a lovely underwater sea garden, full of pretty baubles and magic stones. This special box can hold your personal treasures while bringing you healing and metaphysical influences. Agate enhances creativity and strengthens the intellect, making it a beneficial stone for both students and artists. It is also known as a good luck stone. As a stone of harmony, one of the things agate does is balance yin/yang energy. Agate increases energy. Abalone is reported to stimulate psychic development and intuition. It is also said to promote imagination in a healthy way. Having abalone nearby when working through an emotional situation with someone can be beneficial and may enhance cooperation. Chalcedony is said to gently relieve depression and improve one's frame of mind. It is used to lessen hostility and bring emotional stability. It has been called a "stone of brotherhood" bringing energies of loving kindness and goodwill to all. Chalcedony is also reported to be a miracle stone, bringing apparent miracles to our plane of existence. A stone of transformation, Labradorite is a useful companion through change, imparting strength and perseverance. It balances and protects the aura, raises consciousness and grounds spiritual energies. Excellent for strengthening intuition - promoting psychic abilities.
Gemstones: Abalone, Agate, Chalcedony and Labradorite
Peyo is a great partner for calling a new love into one’s life, a friend or a romantic partner that is a soulmate, one who helps us learn necessary lessons for our higher good. She can guide one in the quest for emotional happiness, help one move forward after a period of doubt, and express love toward others without fear of rejection. Her presence increases mind-to-mind or telepathic links between you and family members or animals. She will also help with protection and grounding. Peyo can help with addressing repressed emotional issues to allow release and healing so positive change can take place. She promotes an understanding of the need for deeper meanings and stimulates the exploration of the unknown to further one’s quest for enlightenment. She can encourage problem-solving rather than focusing on negative aspects of daily challenges. She energizes the auric body and encourages unconditional love. She is a reminder that we are love and compassion in action, and will work “behind the scenes” on the cause, instead of the symptom, of an issue. Calms resentment and anger while enhancing sensuality and love.
Stones: Rhodochrosite and Botswana Agate
Price: $100

Ania is a spirit guide that will give you inner stability, especially when you feel like everything around you is going to fall apart. She will keep you strong and brave amdist the challenges you face and will help to protect you against the outside world. Her healing energies give you composure and maturity when faced with external pressures making you feel like you might implode. She will reassure you that everything's going to be alright, and that you will come through the experience stronger and better. She will enhance your mental functions by improving concentration and analytical skills. She can help sharpen your perception, as well as to boost your self-confidence and sense of security. Her influence will increase your sense of artistic expression, allowing you to be more creative in your endeavors. Carry Ania with you to promote creative ability in any project or goal. She encourages one to find solutions rather than focusing on negative aspects of daily challenges.
Stones: Botswana Agate
Price: $100

Halyna will help calm your emotional body and is here to help you communicate your truest thoughts and ideas. This encourages deeper discussions with the ones you love, which will not only strengthen your relationships, but also help “awaken” your emotional body as well. As you begin to self reflect and begin your journey with Halyna, you must first work to clear your mind and allow your heart to speak. The energies that release from Halyna will directly help raise one’s internal connection to their emotional body while channeling it into words you can speak. The harshness of a situation is forgotten and the inner fortitude within you begins to shine. Your confidence will begin to raise as you speak up for yourself and create your own “voice of reason”. Halyna may raise submerged emotions that you have grown to ignore and subconsciously avoid. As difficult as it may be facing these stressful emotions, it is important for you to finally do so in honor of what you’ve been through. Every experience you’ve gone through has built the person you are today.
Stones: Blue Chalcedony and Turquoise
Price: $100.00

Shia is a spirit totem that can help reduce stress and is good for one's overall well-being. He helps to increase your sense of hope, peace of mind, and also courage. He can improve your patience and power of understanding so you can enjoy your life at a higher level. He will stimulate intuition, imagination, and sensitivity. This will lift your spirits and it will relieve the stress you accumulate during your regular activities. You will not have to deal with any mood swings and you will feel more comfortable in public. Shia can help you with blocks around giving and receiving forgiveness. People often have a tendency to push away people and memories that are painful or upsetting. Darkness and pain are universal human experiences, and only by integrating these aspects of existence can we become whole. This is never an easy process, but Shia reminds us that we are not alone and indeed here is a journey everyone must make to heal. The end result turns these painful experiences into wisdom and compassion. Shia is a most efficient healer, providing solace for the spirit and well-being for the body. He benefits the overall mood and emotion by balancing and inducing a sense of serenity and peace. Holding or wearing him will help restore depleted vitality and lifts sagging spirits. He relieves stress and brings focus back to the center heart.
Stones: Turquoise, Spiny Oyster and Pyrite
Price: $100

Zebedee is a spirit bird who promotes brotherhood and good will. He absorbs negative energy, and brings the mind, body, emotions and spirit into harmony. His presence instills feelings of benevolence and generosity. He can bring joy into a room and can alleviate hostility He eases self-doubt. He can create openness and enthusiasm, and absorbs and dissipates negative thoughts, emotions and bad dreams. He will ease self-doubt and brings a helpful peace to inner reflection. he is a happy go lucky kind of guy and can calm and center your emotional energy field. He is an excellent partner l for those who tend to worry, by encouraging life in the present instead of projecting into an imaginary future. He also assists in calming those with bouts of irrational anger, fear, panic or anxiety, and helps those who speak too quickly before considering the impact their words have on others. In general, he is a pleasant influence and can keep you balanced and centered in your day.
Stones: Blue Chalcedony
Price: $85.00
Ahnah is a spirit guide that will bring you a sense of gentleness and relaxation. She offers emotional protection when dealing with difficult and sensitive issues. She has a calming, nurturing energy that promotes feelings of stability, safety and security. She can relieve your stress as she reminds you to live in the present moment by keeping you grounded. She can help you to open your heart to love and release built up tension that no longer serves you. The soothing frequency of her vibrations will tend to bring in peace in the lifespan of her carrier. She tends to ameliorate the overall wellness of those around her as well as known to hearten courage for confronting the bitter situations of the lifetime. Further, she is recognized as a spirit of truth, helping you to face any wrong decisions taken in the life path. Known as a being of passion, she is believed to be useful for restoring zest that further manifests the artistic ideas of her carrier. She is a powerful and protective spirit. She will guard against psychic attack, transmuting the energy into love and protecting the wearer from all types of harm. She is a natural tranquilizer, relieving stress and strain, soothing irritability, balancing mood swings, dispelling anger, rage, fear and anxiety. She can alleviate sadness and grief, and dissolves negativity.
Stones: Porcelain Jasper and Amethyst
Price: $120
Access the healing powers of Esthne by incorporating her into your daily meditation practice. With every deep breath, say to yourself, ‘I am grounded and connected to the earth.’ As you say the words, feel this powerful totem absorbing negativity and bolstering your inner strength and resolve.
While typically associated with transmuting negative vibes and clearing toxic emotions, she is also an excellent manifestation agent and can help transform your dreams and aspirations into reality. With the simple act of bringing you back down to earth, Esthne calms a troubled mind by giving you the clarity and focus you need to be the boss at whatever you do. No matter how small or epic your progress, each action you take with your eye on the prize is one step closer to having good luck coming your way. She will help you see the silver lining in any situation, keeping your outlook sunny and upbeat even when it rains and pours.
Stones: Hematite in Crystal, and Crystal Quartz
Price: $120.00

Naeini is a very soothing spirit, still, her energy is a subtle and deep energy that seems to nurture one on their soul level. She is great as a protector, but it is also nurturing during soul retrievals, healing of traumas or other deep emotional wounds; she is not only a helper for those being healed, but for the healer as well. She can help to facilitate tranquility and eliminate worry and depression. It also brings mental clarity. Naeini is the spirit of universal love. She restores trust and harmony in relationships, encouraging unconditional love. She purifies and opens the heart at all levels to promote love, self-love, friendship, deep inner healing and feelings of peace. Calming and reassuring, she helps to comfort in times of grief. She dispels negativity and protects against environmental pollution, replacing it with loving vibes. encourages self forgiveness and acceptance invoking self trust and self worth.
Stone: Rose quartz and Sci-fi Jasper
Price: $100.00